The government has announced that recreational cannabis will be legal in Canada on October 17, 2018. How will this impact your workplace?
The legalization of cannabis does not change the fact that cannabis use before or during working hours will cause you to be unfit for work and is particularly dangerous for workers in safety-sensitive positions. Cannabis use, whether recreational or medically authorized, affects a wide range of job functions especially where alertness and ability to react swiftly to unexpected situations is needed.
Many companies are in the process of reviewing their alcohol and drug policies and procedures, working on adjustments to accommodate the upcoming legislation. It will be critical to educate your workers on company expectations regarding cannabis use and any new or revised testing procedures.
You can get this information out to your staff quickly and cost-effectively using Corridor’s Alcohol and Drugs in the Workplace online training courses, which now include a module focused on cannabis.
Ensure your employees understand your company policy and procedures, and reinforce your corporate social responsibility without the cost, effort and lengthy time required to organize live training. Contact us for more information on how Corridor can support your organization address this critical topic.